Universal AV Services design effective and innovative audio visual solutions for any environment.

Audio Visual Solutions have changed the manner in which we work, communicate and are educated.
Companies have turned to audio visual solutions and IT to aid in effective communication and collaboration in the workplace. We specialise in communication solutions to facilitate agile, hybrid and collaborative environments across all sectors through AV services.
With over 30 years of knowledge and experience we have created relationships with world leading manufacturers enabling us to design innovative, cost effective audio visual solutions.
We take our time and work to understand you as a client, your needs, workflow and wants. From this we work with you to devise audio visual solutions bespoke to your needs and budget.
Our teams are trained extensively; we have developed in house training and apprenticeship programs to ensure the solutions proposed and the level of service you receive is second to none.
From initial consultancy through to design, programming & integration, we work tirelessly with you to ensure you receive the correct solution to meet your audio visual needs for any given environment always on time and within budget.
From simple reception displays to more complex digital signage solutions. All facets of meeting room solutions, from cameras, audio and display to the control of the solution that is easy and intuitive to use. We are able to meet all your audio visual needs, providing you with seamless solutions to wow and engage with visitors and staff alike.
Take a look at the full solution offering we have and contact us to work with you on your project.
Acoustic Panels
Assistive Listening Devices
AV Control Systems
AV Furniture
AV Over IP
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Commercial Audio Solutions
Commercial Digital Displays
Commercial IPTV Solutions
Commercial Projectors
Digital Signage Systems
Interactive Displays
Lecture Capture Systems
Room Booking Systems
Unified Communications
Video Conferencing
Video Wall Displays
Visitor Management Systems
Wireless Presentation
Start your project today
To discuss your audio visual needs for your next project contact us. We will work with you to devise a solution to meet your requirements and needs.
Call 01274 200280
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