There has been much debate recently about AI and its ability to grow into something we potentially cannot control.  Members of the team at Universal AV have been asked to speak at two events on how AI is impacting the world of AV and should it be embraced of feared?

The answer as ever is never a simple one!

We have embraced the speed and innovation in which technology changes and have seen a positive impact on how it has helped transform the workplace over the years, so why should we not embrace how AI could potentially transform the workplace and education setting?

Recent years have seen many innovations in AV technology, with organisations continuing to adapt their practices for working and learning post-pandemic.


Artificial Intelligence is everywhere in AV technology and the market place in which we operate and it’ll continue to play a huge part in the industry going forward.  We have seen more and more innovative uses of AI, especially in areas such as digital signage. At Universal AV we work with the digital signage platform NowSignage, which can dynamically modify displayed content in real-time based on the viewer’s interactions with the screen, adapting seamlessly to the demographics of the audience present in the room.

This can be a marketers dream when looking at a shopping experience. For example, cameras within a signage solution can determine gender when walking into a shop and using face recognition when browsing, display content applicable to each individual as they move through the store.  This could be showcasing products, offers etc.

Some shoppers would love this, some may see it as a breach of their privacy, like it or not we have been bombarded with adverts following cookies on our PC’s for years, we increasingly receive adverts on social media based on the discussions we have had in and around out phones. AI is already in every part of our lives.

“We expect to see an increase in organisations utilising AI technology to welcome their visitors in the corporate AV arena, where dedicated receptionists aren’t an option. Tablets and touchscreens, which many companies are already using, will continue to speed up the signing-in process and advanced camera technology will recognize repeat visitors to deliver a warm, professional and personalised service.”

Smart Buildings

This is an emerging area for growth in the AV Technology Industry and across many new office developments.  A SMART building is sought after and can command greater rental values than others.  Where the environment is key and playing a huge part in many companies vision and strategy a SMART building can help meet some of those corporate objective.

A Smart Buildings can help organisations utilise technology to monitor how their spaces are used.  By using IoT technology, organisations can gain real-time insights into how their spaces are used. For example, if meeting rooms designed for eight people are primarily booked for one-on-one interviews, it suggests a need for re-evaluating facility usage.

Controlled signage solutions can be used to target messaging to all within a building, an example of such could be that all screens have an evacuation message put on them, through simple controls put in place.  Oxygen and heat sensors can ensure rooms are regulated.  Tools such as occupancy sensors, room booking systems, and desk booking software, offered by integrators like Universal AV, can then empower organisations to make informed decisions based on this data.”

AI is very much present in the meetings we host via Microsoft Teams. We are able to record meetings and CoPilot can produce minutes. If we assign our voices with voice recognition to names, it can even gauge the mood of the room. All of this is designed to help us become more effective in our roles.

The future of AV, with a sprinkling of AI technology thrown in for good measure, is bright and the need for AV technology and solutions is growing.

Is AI here to stay, we firmly believe so. Should it be monitored, absolutely! But can it enhance how we work and add value and benefit to the AV world?  We think so!

Here at Universal AV we are excited for the challenges and opportunities it presents us with and are looking forward to seeing the developments and what the future holds.

Fore more information on how you can utilise Audio visual solutions with AI contact



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